Putting together a great exchange is a lot of work, so we won't do that. What would happen if we put in as little work as possible? We think it would still be fun. So we present to you (again), The Second Rate Swing Exchange: just some great dancing with your favorite people.

DJ night at Boston Swing Central
- Plus.... DJ Roulette! See info below!
-Beginner swing lesson at 8 - 9pm
- $10, $8 with Student ID
Pancake Breakfast! + Band!
- We were previously considering dim sum... but this is better and we just couldn't pass it up!! This is a ROTARY PANCAKE BREAKFAST. Harken ye back to the days of girl scout fundraisers, we've got all you can eat pancakes for $7. Didn't think it could get any better? the Winniker Swing Orchestra is playing!! AND they're having face painting. AND balloon animals. I couldn't have invented this in a dream. We'll show up around 10, eat many carbs, dance until 12 and work our way to the Boston Common Gazebo for more dancing!
Lindy Bomb at the gazebo in Boston Commons
- Of all the second rate dance floors you can find, you just can't beat marble. And that's why we'll be dancing at the Boston Common Gazebo on Saturday afternoon from about 1pm until we don't feel like it anymore! Find the gazebo in the middle of the park, near 175 Tremont Street.
Solomon Douglas at Uptown Swing
- Lesson 8:15 - 9pm
- $18, $14 with Student ID
- (Bring a pin from Friday night and get $2 off!)
Late Night with Solomon Douglas
Due to the predicted bad weather on Sunday... we are switching up the plans!
11 am - Join us for dim sum at Hei La Moon downtown!
1pm - After food, we'll go down into the subways for dancing! Let's dance along the red line from South Station to Harvard!
Check out our Facebook Event for some other dance/music events folks have posted that are also going on Sunday!
-$8, $5 with Student ID (cash only)
Brian Pletcher's iPod: Brian has been collecting songs that sound like 'Lavender Coffin' since 2000. Brian's iPod has previously been heard playing in the infamous "bomb box" at Boston Lindy Bomb Squad dance events held around the greater Boston area, and also last year at 2nd Rate! When asked about his music collection, Brian notes that nothing has been added to his iPod in the last five years, "But once you've achieved perfection, why keep going?" Brian's iPod will be put on shuffle to ensure you are kept on your toes!
Emily Kasman's Swing Dance Spotify playlist: Due to some feedback about Emily's Pandora station last year (too many thumbs downs in a row...), Emily is going to debut her Swing Dance Spotify playlist! Accumulated over the last year or so, these songs will be played on shuffle for your dancing pleasure!
Plus...it's DJ Roulette!! Who will DJ? What will the songs be? Who knows? It's the Second Rate Swing Exchange! Show up Friday night and put your name in the DJ Roulette lottery bowl. Over the course of the night, we'll choose 5 lucky winners who will play 4 songs of their choice (as long as they're danceable... we do have standards here.)
Solomon Douglas: Solomon Douglas is a Jazz pianist and bandleader whose various bands have played at hundreds of exchanges, camps, workshops, and other dance events in the past 13 years. When choosing a band for our Saturday evening dance, Solomon Douglas was an obvious choice (it was just icing on the cake that he was already playing in Boston at the Uptown Swing Dance the same weekend as our exchange!
Rocco and the Stompers: Sit down, kids, mama genX is gonna tell you a story. Rocco and the Stompers is a band that you probably don't know because they rocked it like 6 years ago- back when Boston Swing Central was in Central Square (thus, the "Central"). Danny (who does all the arrangements for Beantown Orchestra) moved to Austin around 2010 and we were denied live performances of this awesome band but THEY. ARE. BACK and Kellian is a total fangirl. They can squeeze us in for an hour performance, which will not be second rate at all. Oh well. -- CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER :(
Copy and paste the following as your Facebook status: Hey Boston friends! I am going to be in Boston for Second Rate Swing Exchange from 4/1 to 4/3! Anyone have a place I can crash for the weekend? I am super excited for the event! Can't wait to see (TAG NAMES OF ALL FACEBOOK FRIENDS WHO SWING DANCE IN BOSTON)!
Is this actually happening, again? Yes.
Is there any type of registration required in advance? Nope.
Will it be any better than last time? No.
Link to Facebook Event